YoungWritersClub Wiki

"Here is the thing about equality, everyone's equal when they're dead." -Gavroche, Les Misérables, 2012

Hey Guys!

my wiki:

Here's a picture of my puppy Sadie just after we got her



Le Poll[]

About Me[]

I'm Thirteen, I have a crazy and random personality, and I like hanging with my friends. I enjoy music, typically Taylor Swift, but I play music on my own. I play the flute, piano and clarinet, and aspire to play the fiddle and acoustic guitar.

I love love love writing and reading, and I am currently working on my first novel/novella (not sure what it will be yet), and I might post it on here. 

I write often, and read more often. I am currently reading Bumped by Megan McCafferty and Unwind by Neal Shusterman.

My goal is to get a degree in something like English, Education, Architecture or Engineering. I'd like to get a doctorate in any of the above too.

My other goal is to write and publish at least one book.

I have become obsessed with Les Misérables, and started reading the book. Wish me luck!

My dream is to meet John Green and a lot of other people. I also want to become an actress on stage, and in movies.

I have a stuffed toy armadillo named Hazel Grace. (See what I did there? But really, I do.)

I like writing down quotes from books, and my current favourite is at the top of my profile.

Love yall.


I also eat my Kit-Kat's wrong. (Don't hurt me, Nikki already revoked my eating priviledges.)

I'm the kind of girl that...[]

Just noticed more people checked off her puppy is cute in her poll than anything else.

Is sad because of the above fact.

Forever alone. ^^

Will put 3 tablesppons of sugar in her tea.

Loves tea.

Puts to much cream in her tea.

Has a British history, so she loves tea and has to try not to talk in an English accent around British people.

Spends about 3 hours on Youtube every day.

Stubs her toe every five seconds.

Is 4'11.

Likes Adventure Time.

Refuses to wear dresses.

Likes to sing.

Is a good singer.

Is in Grade 6.

Likes to read.

Likes to write.

Who thinks she sucks at writing romances. 

Has two dogs.

Lives on a farm.

Loves the Lord of the Rings, yet can't watch Indiana Jones. Or Bones.

Has never seen Star Wars. (I might have... I just can't remember. DON'T JUDGE ME.)

Who's favourite character in Lord of the Rings is Eowyn, but her mom's least favourite character is Eowyn so she's awkward whenever her mom talks about her hatred for Eowyn.

Who can't wait till she finds her prince charming.

Spends her nights imagining the perfect guy.

Is as random as random can be.

Is an internet addict.


For some reason is obsessed with the word toaster.

Likes those little things that a guy can do.

Is single, but can give relationship advice. 

Has a tendency to forget to do things.

Wants to severly mess up people's faces when they make her angry.

Will activate spelling ninja mode at any given moment.

Hates spelling words out to people.

Would use the excuse "My phone battery died."

Doesn't have a phone.


Wants to dye her hair, but doesn't know what colour to dye it.

Isn't allowed to dye her hair.

Wants to read Game of Thrones.

Isn't allowed to read Game of Thrones.

Would read 24/7 if she could.

Would get distracted easily if she read 24/7.

Is very picky.


Wonders if her high school will have uniforms.

Hopes her high school has uniforms.

Hopes she goes to the high school she wants.

Thinks that lol looks like a guy drowning.
El oh el


Is a nerdfighter.

Loves John and Hank Green.

Is in love with The Fault in our Stars.


Wishes that she could meet John Green, except for the fact that she would fangirl everywhere and probably scare him.


Is reading Les Misérables.


Loves Smosh. No, seriously, I think Smosh ruined my chances of ever going outside again.


There is a nerdfighter symbol in Despicable Me!!

Shipments I ship[]

Marius/Cosette- Cosette and Marius from Les Misérables. This is just like the perfect shipment. I love it so much, I call it Marius/Cosette because they are just that awesome, they don't even need a shipment name.

Hagustus- Hazel and Augustus from the Fault in our Stars. Oh my freaking gosh this is the most Sad, Beautiful Tragic love affair. Wait, that's a Taylor Swift song... Hmm. That's interesting, that describes Hagustus perfectly.

Kale- That's right beaches. I ship Kale. (Katniss/Gale)

Keeta- I also ship Keeta. (Katniss/Peeta)

Heronald- I have no idea what the shipment for Hermione/Ron is, so I'm calling it Heronald. I think these two are so beautifully contrasted, that they're perfect.

Garry- Ginny/Harry. Lovely lovely shipping, again like Heronald, I don't know what the shipment name is, so I'm calling it Garry. (Jayr-ee)

Rosam- Sam and Rosie from LotR. They're so cute together.

Elewen- Aragorn and Arwen. I call it Elewen because Aragorn is also called Elessar.

Gavrellie- My favourite shipment. Gavroche and Ellie. Yes.

Kellie- Kili/Ellie. I fall for fictional characters, okay?

Fellie- Fili/Ellie. I ship Kellie harder, but this one is awesome too.

Thorellie- Thorin/Ellie. Dwarves are hot, okay?

Anyotherfictionalcharactellie- I ship myself with half the characters I read about.

Farowyn- Faramir/Eowyn. Don't exactly know why I ship this.


Fourtris- Tobias and Tris. Duh.

Wilstina- Will and Christina. Duh.

Delian- Dan Howell and Delia Smith. This is literally the most hilarious shipment ever, and that is why I ship it.

Danteasers- Dan Howell and Maltesers. If you don't ship this, you will die a peaceful death when you are 80!

Shipments I don't Ship[]

Marius/Eponine- Just no. They're just not right for each other, plus Eponine was mean to Cosette when they were little.


Dermione- Draco and Hermione? Are you freaking kidding me??!?!??!?!!!

Hisaac- I've heard of this somewhere, Hazel and Isaac, maybe after Augustus -Translation not available- but I think it'd take a long time for Hazel to find another love interest.

I can't think of anymore.

Bromances that are awesome[]

Phan- AmazingPhil and danisnotonfire. I don't ship this, but they have an adorable bromance.

Glegolas- Gimli and Legolas, who doesn't love this bromance?

Perry- Pippin and Merry. They have like a bromance overload.

Sodo- Sam and Frodo, best. Bromance. Ever.

Ianthony- SMOSH LOVE
