YoungWritersClub Wiki

Andy1854 Andy1854 5 September 2012

The Hunger Games: The Eyes of a Fox

I woke up. The nightmare had occured. I had been chased by the tributes again. It was Reaping day. I got my fanciest clothes on. A white dress with blue and red stripes. I tied my fiery red hair into a milkmaid braid. I trotted slemnly down the aisle and street down to the town square. District 5 would have two people, a boy and girl, be selected to represent the nation in horrible gladiator like games. Children ages 12 to 18 would be chosen. I was 15. My name is in there 4 times. Galina Sneakowitz, from District 5. If I heard that, I would know it was me. I accomponied my friends in line, for this could very well be the last time I see them. The name puller was Celia Wickinsbee. She was very scrawny and had died blue skin and bright green…

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