YoungWritersClub Wiki
Cosplay for this song / story special
Firstly, Hirari, Hirari means Fluttering, Fluttering. Secondly, me and Aiko return after a month and a helf on vacation. ((n~n))

As with Aiko's this is wrote in MY style, which me and Aiko have developed together by making songs with software call VOCALOID - it may not be your taste but we prefer to write like this when basing our work on a song. :3 Thank you.

Do not steal the image thank you.

This page is wrote by one of our users, and they'd prefer it if you didn't edit this without their consent - thank you!

I'm staring at the page where all the memories are wrote, the images fading after so long. Why have they all left me? I can't recall when we last spoke, last touched, last saw each-other. I feel like going away.

Fluttering, fluttering, the memories seem to fade - why is it that you cannot hear me no longer? I should have known yet I still miss the holding - you would never tell me why.

I feel alone, so lost, where are you now? Have you left me? Do you wish me to go away? Harsh words my dear, harsh! Well I know my place now - fluttering, fluttering I try to go away but these memories are like broken shackles forever binding me to these tears,

I look back at the page slightly wincing. I recall in my head, days of playing, piano melodies ringing so sweetly... where did it all go? Where?

When the seasons change their flow to a spin, when the links slowly start to wear... please don't let those ties begin to tear, or lose them to the wind. Weighed down by the words that I cannot bring myself to forget, they would fill me with deep regret when I begin to drift into a soothing fantasy, then awake to find you dissapeared.

Not fin... :3 Short
